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The ❤ of Style

When it comes to your style, you must go with how you feel led to express it. I created this look today in honor of St. Valentine's Day and, as you can see, there is no red or pink involved. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with the traditional red and pink, but one of the lessons I've learned in my style journey is to be more open-minded to other options. There have been many moments that I have spent standing in my closet trying to figure out what to wear because I thought I had to conform to what society deems as the standard of style. However, I say, save living up to any dress or style code only for those occasions that require it.

Remember, your style is a reflection of you. It's a matter of the heart. I would encourage you, if you are going to be celebrating this Valentine's Day, to go with your heart. Fall in love with exploring options outside of the norm. The story behind the look I created today is that the blue dress was not what I originally had in mind to go with. I automatically thought that I should go with something red or pink, but the blue dress popped up during my search and I couldn't resist. This dress is designed by one of my favorite designers, the iconic bandage dress designer, Herve Leger. The fabric is a blend of rayon, nylon, and spandex which provides firmness and thickness to make the dress figure flattering. What I love about this dress in particular is the sky blue color and bell sleeves which adds a soft elegance to the look. I'm glad that I went with a non-traditional color because I knew there would be a lot of red and pink looks posting today, so I wanted to break away from the norm. I love doing the unexpected.

I challenge you to do the unexpected too. Take another look at the options you may have turned down or have been wanting to try. Today is the perfect day and occasion to amaze yourself. Whether you're celebrating it with someone special or celebrating the joy of being single then today is the day to discover all the options that are available to you. Just go with your heart and flow.

To find out more about the items in this look go here.

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